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Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

100% Pure Mustard Oil - Tori ko Tel - (तोरी को तेल) in Nepali

Information about Green Leafy Vegetables Nepal - सागपातहरु - (Part 3)

List of Dried Beans, Lentils, and Peas – (Daal Haru) common in Nepal

Information about Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum Fruit | Photos

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Kubhindo - Ash Gourd | Winter Melon (कुभिन्डो)

Glossary of Common Fruits of Nepal (English-Nepali) - Part 3

Common Fruits of Nepal (English-Nepali with Photographs)(Phalphul-फलफुल) - (Part 3 of 3) 

This is the continuation of photo guide of Fruits of Nepal. 

In this chapter, I have added the following fruits.

  1. Pear - Nashpaati - (नास्पाती) - Pyrus communis L.
  2. Pear Chinese  - Chinia Naspaati - (चिनिया नासपाती) - Pyrus: pyrifolia Nakai.
  3. Persimmon - Haluaabed -  (हलुवाबेद) - Japanese persimmon - Diospyros kaki
  4. Persimmon - Haluaabed -  (हलुवाबेद) - Diospyros virginiana L.Physalis
  5. Plum - Alubukharaa - (आलुबखडा) - Prunus domestica
  6. Pineapple - Bhuin Katahar - (भुइँ कटहर) - Ananas Comosus
  7. Pomegranate - Anaar, Daarim - (अनार - दारिम) - Punica granatum L.
  8. Quince - Nepali Shaayau - (नेपाली स्याउ) - Cydonia oblonga Mill.
  9. Raspberry Himalayan - Ainselu - (ऐंसेलु) - (yellow, red, black) - Rubus ellipticus Smith
  10. Sati Bayar - (Nepal sumac) - Satibayar - (सति वयर) - Rhus parviflora Roxb.
  11. Starfruit - Kantaraa - (कन्तरा) - Carambola
  12. Strawberry - Straberi - (स्ट्रबेरी) - Fragaria ananassa
  13. Wood Apple, Bengal quince - Bel - (बेल) - Aegle marmelos Corrg
  14. Walnut (thick shell Black) - Haade Okhar - (हाडेओखर) - Juglans regia L.
  15. Water Melon - Kharbooza or Kharbujaa - (खर्बुजा) - Cucumis melo L.
  16. Wild Pear - Mayal - (मयल) - Pyrus pashia Buch-Ham

Common Fruits of Nepal
Pear - Nashpaati - (नास्पाती) - Pyrus communis L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pear - Nashpaati - (नास्पाती) - Pyrus communis L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pear Chinese  - Chinia Naspaati - (चिनिया नासपाती) - Pyrus: pyrifolia Nakai. - photo courtesy
Common Fruits of Nepal
Persimmon - Haluaabed -  (हलुवाबेद) - Diospyros virginiana L.Physalis
Common Fruits of Nepal
Persimmon - Haluaabed -  (हलुवाबेद) - Japanese persimmon - Diospyros kaki
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pineapple - Bhuin Katahar - (भुइँ कटहर) 
Common Fruits of Nepal
Images of sliced pineapple at roadside vendor, Kathmandu  - Pineapple - Bhuin Katahar - (भुइँ कटहर) 
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pomegranate - Anaar, Daarim - (अनार - दारिम) - Punica granatum L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pomegranate - Anaar, Daarim - (अनार - दारिम) - Punica granatum L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Pomilo or Pummelo - Bhogate - (भोगटे) - Citrus grandis Osbeck
Common Fruits of Nepal
Raspberry Himalayan - Ainselu - (ऐंसेलु) - (yellow) - Rubus ellipticus Smith - Photo courtesy
Common Fruits of Nepal
Raspberry Himalayan - Ainselu - (ऐंसेलु) - (black) - Rubus ellipticus Smith
Common Fruits of Nepal
Raspberry Himalayan - Ainselu - (ऐंसेलु) - (red) - Rubus ellipticus Smith
Common Fruits of Nepal
Raspberry Himalayan - Ainselu - (ऐंसेलु) - (yellow)  - Photo courtesy - Kedar Sharma
Common Fruits of Nepal
Sati Bayar - (Nepal sumac) - Satibayar - (सति वयर) - Rhus parviflora Roxb.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Vegetable market at Ason Tole, Kathmandu - Far right - Sati Bayar - (Nepal sumac) - Satibayar - (सति वयर) - Rhus parviflora Roxb.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Sati Bayar - (Nepal sumac) - Satibayar - (सति वयर) - Rhus parviflora Roxb.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Starfruit - Kantaraa - (कन्तरा) - Carambola
Common Fruits of Nepal
Strawberry - Straberi - (स्ट्रबेरी)
Common Fruits of Nepal
Strawberry - Straberi - (स्ट्रबेरी)
Common Fruits of Nepal
Water Melon - Kharbooza or Kharbujaa - (खर्बुजा)
Common Fruits of Nepal
Watermelon slices for sale at the roadside vendor, Kathmandu - Water Melon - Kharbooza or Kharbujaa - (खर्बुजा)
Common Fruits of Nepal
Image of Bayar on the tree -  (Chinese Date, Indian Plum) - (बयर) - Zigyphus mauritiana Lamk
Common Fruits of Nepal
On the Right - Bayar, fully wripe and wrinkled (Chinese Date, Indian Plum) - (बयर) - Zigyphus mauritiana Lamk
Common Fruits of Nepal
Freshly picked - Bayar (Chinese Date, Indian Plum) - (बयर) - Zigyphus mauritiana Lamk
Common Fruits of Nepal
Sugarcane - Ukhu - (उखु) - Saccharum officinarum L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Sugarcane - Ukhu - (उखु) - Saccharum officinarum L.
Common Fruits of Nepal
Wood Apple, Bengal quince - Bel - (बेल) - Aegle marmelos Corrg - photo courtesy
Common Fruits of Nepal
Wood Apple, Bengal quince - Bel - (बेल) - Aegle marmelos Corrg

Most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English) 

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