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Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

100% Pure Mustard Oil - Tori ko Tel - (तोरी को तेल) in Nepali

Information about Green Leafy Vegetables Nepal - सागपातहरु - (Part 3)

List of Dried Beans, Lentils, and Peas – (Daal Haru) common in Nepal

Information about Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum Fruit | Photos

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Dowry System in Nepal

A dowry is property  or money given by bride's family when she marries. Dowry system is common in our country Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, . It has affected  our whole society. It is most  common in the Terai region. It is a great evil of our society. Poor people have been poorer and poorer because of the dowry system. They borrow money from the rich people for their daughter's marriage. They can't pay their debt in time because of the high  interest. So, they are compelled to sell their land. Sometimes they leave their houses and go to big cities to earn money.  In this way, it has created a big gap between rich and poor people.

Dowry system has created a number of problem in our society. When  a boy  marries a girl, he thinks that he will get  dowry in his house. So, the bride whose parents are poor or cannot afford a dowry will not be able to get married. If the boy doesn't get dowry according to his demand, he will  torture his wife. He may leave her and get married another. If the bride brings a lot of property, she becomes proud and tries to dominate the bridegroom. We have heard many incidents in our country because of dowry system. Many women commit suicide  after marriage because of the dowry system.
We must stand against the dowry system. Both taking and giving dowry should be strictly forbidden. Those people who demand dowry should be boycotted from society. Education plays an important role to make people understand this social problem. So, the government should conduct public awareness programmes in the society against this social evil. There should be p a strong law to eradicate this system from our society. Those who give and take the dowry should be punished strictly, taking and giving dowry is an evil to the whole  community


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Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

100% Pure Mustard Oil - Tori ko Tel - (तोरी को तेल) in Nepali

Information about Green Leafy Vegetables Nepal - सागपातहरु - (Part 3)

List of Dried Beans, Lentils, and Peas – (Daal Haru) common in Nepal

Information about Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum Fruit | Photos

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