
Showing posts from November 24, 2013

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100% Pure Mustard Oil - Tori ko Tel - (तोरी को तेल) in Nepali

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How Much Should I Plan to Spend on Housing While In Nepal? Getting the most from your stay in Nepal

          You can spend as little as $1 per day for a bed on the low end or you can stay at the Hyatt Regency for well over $100. We all know how to do it the expensive way, but finding decent, affordable housing can be a challenge. Well, not price wise, but ‘grossness factor’ wise. I did a blog post last year about the airport area and found a very bottom of the barrel room for only 100NRs. The problem was that it was very dirty and probably infested with bedbugs. Surprisingly, there were a few decent places in the area near the airport that were priced well, under $10 for a single room . If you have an early morning flight you will do well to stay closer to the airport due to taxis charging a premium for early and late fares. However, if you are a middle-class traveler you will not be happy with this advice. You would do well to keep your room and pay for the taxi. This advice is more for the couch surfer/gap year traveler. This is the $1...

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