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Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

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Destination Nepal

Blessed with mesmerising natural beauty and one of the rarest entourage of natural and cultural heritages in the world, Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, could easily attract millions of tourists — at least in theory. But the highest number of tourists we have received in a year so far was some 736,215 in 2011, which was short of the initial target of a million tourists by more than one-fourth. Similarly, the tourism sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) remains less than four per cent.

Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, ’s tourism potential can be estimated by the fact that the total number of tourists that arrived in Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, in 2011 was just about one per cent of the total outbound Chinese tourists and about six per cent of the total outbound Indian tourists in the same year. With rapid economic growth and a growing middle class, the numbers of outbound tourists from both nations are expected to increase significantly. Hence, even if a significant portion of either Chinese or Indian tourists could be attracted to Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , tourism could play a major role in the economic growth of the country. But this is easier said than done.

Problems galore

For a tourist intending to visit Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , problems start at home. Travel advisory warnings issued by foreign governments regarding Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, during the civil war period are still in place, forcing tourists to reconsider their travel destination. Meanwhile, due to the lack of effective marketing, especially online marketing, Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, is yet to receive the international recognition it deserves with regards to tourism.

Then comes the somewhat hard to find and unreasonably expensive air travel to Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, . After major international airlines like Lufthansa, Aeroflot and Singapore Airlines cancelled operations in Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , there is no direct flight connectivity between Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, and Europe as well as Northern America. Expensive ground-handling charges, monopolised by Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, Airlines Corporation (NAC), has been constantly cited as a prominent problem by other airlines. Similarly, the deplorable performance of NAC has resulted in sign-ificant portion of the money spent by tourists to Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, going to foreign airlines.

Similarly, the poor condition and performance of the country’s only international airport gives a very shoddy first impression. The continuous labour strikes, bandhs and other disruptions, along with the poor state of tourism infrastructures accentuate the negative image, whereas lack of innovation in the tourism sector have limited the choice of tourists to the decades old and already saturated destinations and activities.

Domestic tourism, which has grown rapidly in recent years, suffers from negligence from both the government and private sector. Inconsistency of policies is one of the factors affecting domestic tourism, for example, though domestic tourists are recognized as tourists, they are not allowed to use tourist vehicles for commuting.

What can be done

First and foremost, a makeover of the NAC is necessary. The public-private partnership (PPP) model could be followed for this, but it will also be necessary to look into other options like full privatisation in case the PPP model does not work properly. Also, incentives to international airlines to operate in Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, must be improved. To this end, more open air service agreements should be implemented.

Since internet is becoming the primary source of information for citizens around the world, it is imperative that Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, also focuses its marketing efforts online rather than just the traditional mediums. As China and India are developing as major sources of tourist inflow for Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , marketing campaigns should focus on these two countries. But while India and China could be the major source of volume, European and North American nations can be the source of high-value tourists.

Attracting these new sources of tourists requires innovation in the packages Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, will have to offer. Developing religious tourism could be an effective means of catering to the Indian and Chinese tourists. Hence, the upcoming priorities of the concerned authorities,especially the government and Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, Tourism Board, should be to develop major religious destinations of the country like Lumbini, Pashupatinath and equip them with appropriate tourism infrastructures.

The discourse related to tourism in Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, is overwhelmingly focused on dev-eloping tourism for economic growth. However, the fact is, economic growth and development also attract more tourists, especially the high value tourists. For example, Hong Kong, despite its very limited tourism resources, attracts more than 36 million tourists a year and India’s tourism growth has been, in part, a correlation to its rapid economic growth.

With right actions, Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, ’s tourism sector could be the best sector to bring prosperity to the country.

-Surath Giri


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