If it is the soul, that leaves the body of man when he dies, the Stars of south eastern Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , an aboriginal tribe, believe that it literally needs some suitable exits, So, when a family member is breathing his last, they keep all their doors and windows open to facilities the soul an unhindered passage to heaven.
The rais of eastern Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , in their turn, lose no time in slaughtering a chicken as soon as there is death in the family, the sex of the bird being determined by that of the deceased person, Some feathers plucked from its wings are then place underneath the dead man's armpits; to help him fly smoothly to heaven.
Noise on the other hand; becomes synonymous with a Newar funeral in kathmandu Valley, where the tendency appears to be collect as many persons as possible to keep on wailing and crying as the cortage is born to the site of cremation. The Guthiars ( members of a traditional co operative institution, Guthi) come in handy on such occasions attendance by member families being obligatory. But even otherwise " professional" mourners are cheaper by the dozen.
Some Gurung's of mid western Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, consider a metal preferably a gold or silver coin a must, along with some food and liquor, to be put on the mouth and chest of the dead person before the grave is filled. Those who cremate do so in a allow round structure built with holes near the bottom from which firewood can be thrust
Pa _ye, the final Gurung rite for the dead, is performed by any time up to a year following death. It consists of making an effigy of white cloth on bamboo sticks, 3 feet long. This effigy is draped with gold ornaments and is known as pla, representing the dead person. The ghyabre or priest addresses the spirit to the dead that is thus ritually sent to heaven.
The relatively longish interval between death and pa ye may given an occasion for the dead man's spirit to trouble the surviving members of the family, should the latter fail to erect a small shrine up on the hill and regularly offer food and liquor to the spirit. This shrine is pulled down after pa ye is completed, as the spirit is then supposed to retire to langsa (heaven)
While the pa ye is being conducted, the members of the family tie the pla effigy with one end of a rope, while the other end is taken outside the house to the courtyard and tied to a lamb. The sex of the lamp must be the same as that of the deceased person. The lamp is fed during the service and finally taken to a crossroad of the village for ritual slaughter.
Animal sacrifice is also the Chepang's way of appeasing the dead, the number and variety of sacrificial four footeds acting as a status symbol.
"on one occason", reports an expert, the village headman sacrificed", six goats, one buffalo and five chickens at the funeral of his wife. The six goats and 5 chicken were gifts brought by the deadman's sister and daughters. The headman in return, gave them gifts at the end of the day."
The Dhimals of Jhapa display a sound practicality by burying the dead during rainy season and cremating them during the dry months.
For the Dhimals also the Dhangars of eastern Terai, a death pollution lasts for 12 days and is terminated by shaving the heads of all the males and cutting the nails of all the immediate female relatives.
In Dolpa, a district in north western mountainous Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the body of the dear departeds may lovingly be thrown into the river or cut into small pieces to feed the vultures.
The Tamangs of estern Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, would have their dead ones sit cross legged and upright have them put in huge cauldron like metal containers, and have them carried to the cremation group amidst chanting of Lamaist hymns, beating of gongs and blowing of trumpets. A feast may follow at the cremation group itself while the corpse burns in a nearby py re.
The Tharus, a plains people bury their dead face down in case of man and face up in the case of a woman. For cremation the dead body is liberally smeared with clarified butter ghee before it is put on the pyre.
The twain east and west will not meet, we said elsewhere while discussing Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, ese modes of solutations. If black is the colour of mourning in the west, in Nepal, the beautiful country, tourist based country, , the beautiful country, tourist based country, it is white and here too will not the twain ever meet.
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