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Getting Drivers License in Kathmandu, Nepal

In any country getting a driving license is not easy but in Nepal it is a pure nightmare unless you are bored and have plenty of free time.

Here are the steps:

1. Goto Department of Transportation in Patan. In case you are not familiar its near Jawalakhel. Previously it used to be in the police department near Singha Durbar. Now you have to go much further just for driving license.

The Driving License buildings you need to find
2. Get the application form and photos, and go from window to window 
    Find a middle-man or middle-woman (Dalal) who will do the application for you and submit it for a modest fee (usually Rs 3000 to 6000).

Do you really want to wait in long lines ?
3. Take the medical blood test and once all paper work is submitted your will get your test date, normally the next morning.

4. Study Study Study because its not like the past anymore. You actually have to study to pass. There is a book available for Rs 100 I think which has over 100 questions. Good Luck.

5. Appear for the written test. The test is in Nepali and has I think 18 Multiple Choice questions and 3 short answer questions. Supposedly there is an English version of the test but when I asked for one, they said No English test and I was forced to take the one in Nepali. Luckily I can read and write Nepali so I was okay. But if you dont know Nepali there is no way you can pass this test in Nepali. I will post questions from my exam in the next article.

6. If you pass, your name will appear outside and you can go take the driving test at the location near the Convention Center.

People practicing motor bike

7. Finally if you pass the driving test, you can proceed and rest of the steps are easy to get the actual license. 

Good luck and hope you get yours in the first try. Leave your thoughts on the Driving License process.

* Read my other article on Nepal drivers License Exam questions *


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List of Dried Beans, Lentils, and Peas – (Daal Haru) common in Nepal

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